Mark 6:2 many hearing Him were astonished.. Mark 6:3 so they were offended….Mark 6:5-6He could do no mighty work there, He marveled at their unbelief.
When Jesus arrived in His hometown the response to His ministry didn’t make any sense. When the people heard his teaching they were astonished. The wisdom of His words, and the authority in which they were delivered was amazing. They had heard the testimonies of miracles yet they were unfazed. The ministry of Jesus offended them.
Many are offended by Jesus today. They have heard of His love and His power to save. They have seen friends or family members transformed by the gospel and yet they remain in unbelief. The sad thing is Jesus moved on to the next town. And as He was leaving He marveled at their unbelief. Only two times in scripture do we read that Jesus marveled. Once at the faith of a centurion and the second time when confronted by the lack of faith in Nazareth.
Don’t let your lack of understanding turn to unbelief and miss the miraculous work only Jesus can accomplish.
Jesus marveled at their unbelief